Thursday, 18 February 2010

Camera and Editing Training

In one of our first lessons we learnt how to use a camera, the technition taught us how to set up the camera stand and to use the acual camera, this really helped me and my group because as soona s we we're given the equiptment we knew how to use the camera straight away and this really helped us when filming becuase before being trained how to use these equiptment properly i didnt really know how to use the camera and stand properly.
We was then taught how to use the program 'Finalcut Express' this is the programme where you upload your clips and edit them. the first thing we editied was the plemiliary task we didnt really go indeep with the editing but we learn't how to shortening a clip so if the scene was about 10mintues long we could shorten it to about 4secounds which i found really good and less time wasting. When we started editing our film thats where we did alot of editing and i was really facinated by what we did because i never thought that i would be able to make a film like that. its amazing. we learn't how to slow things down, put music whilst a scene happening, making it look like a well produced film.