In class we watch two films and we had to analyse them the first film we analysed was '
Hard candy. This film was directed by Patrick wilson, Ellen Page and Sandra Oh, the film rating is an 18.
When the film started it had music playing in the background whilst the first scene started, t
he music was quite flowly but had a tense beat which made it sound like something was going to happen very soon. we know there was two charcter from the beginning because they were talking on the msn chat they had colours and images to represent them, the girl had the colour red and the man had the colour blue, by seeing the images on the msn pictures we knew what the man does for a living
, he had a camera as his picture so we knew that he was a photographer
and his name was 'Lensman' which could do with the camera lens or maybe he wore glasses. there was several camera shots as soon as the film began, the first camera shot was a mid shot which showed us the audience everything, there was then a zoom which built intensity to the scene.
we knew the man was in control already because of the questions he was asking the girl and what he was saying to her for example when he said 'we'll finally hook up baby' and she says 'Im not a baby' and he replies 'I'll have to see for myself'.
The next scene opens up with an establishing shot, this shows us where the charcters are, where the scene is being set.
It then shows a plastic fork, the plastic fork symbolizes she in a shop as she using there equipment, if it was at home we would know as the fork would be metal, she then eats a chocolate cake, the chocolate cak
e symbolizes something sexual and when she says 'Umm' that is a very sexual sound that she has just done.
The girl is wearing a red hoodie this red hoodie shows alot of things for example 'Little red riding hood' and the colour itself represents romance, passion,love and lust but it can also represent danger and blood. the man is wearing black which could represent negativeness and sinister
When the man and the girl meet all the shots are at eye level because he see's her as the same level as her its almost like a fair game, the background of the set is blurry as the film makers want the audience to concentrate of the two main characters and not anything else. the director films the, in seperate shots because thy haven't broke the barrier yet, he is wearing glasses and that is the barrier between his world and hers. the man then makes a joke and then it makes the two in the same shot, the camera shakes when its on the girl, this shows a sense of vunrability. the young girl and the man met in a coffee shop , the majority of young people do not go to the coffee shop on a regular basis only adults go to coffee shops to meet with people, this shows that the girl wanted to look older also she told him she reads 'Zadie smiths' books which showed she was matu
re. When the girl talks she has like like a white light shining on her face this give a
n impression of her being angelic and innocent.
Training Day
The film training day is directed by Antoine Fuqua and written by David Ayer, the genre is Crime, drama and thriller, this film stars Danzel Washington who acts as a dodgie policeman he works with a man known as 'Jake', denzel brings him to a house where its full of a portugese looking family which ook dodgie, in this scene there was lots of girls, then in the kitchen were three men, Denzel leaves jake there and goes, things get tense and time goes by the men then tell him that its a fix, denzel a dodgie cop and he purposly ditched jake, jake trys to do a runner and the men want to attack him when thia it come then alot of shots are seen, we can see he looks betrayed and scared, were seeing things that he's not seeing, this makes us know something is about to happen, the shots get closer whch makes us know it's getting tense. when the three men beat up the guy and throw him in the bath tub its a low angle shot which show that the men are in control, they turn on the tap and its ruunning in real fast pace this indicates that real time is runnging out, the bath curtains have to colours onse side is blue and the other side is white, the blue one means 'Cold' and metalic and the 'White' shows Angelic and good choice, so its like two consciences one good and one bad. The uncle phones his neice and when they show her in her room it's a high angle shot of his neice when she's lying to him, then as soon as she says the truth the camera rotates and comes closer to her.