Tuesday, 20 October 2009

peliminary Task

In our peliminary task we was asked to film a person opening the door, walking across the room and sitting down opposite the other character. In my group we filmed someone walking through the door and standing facing the opposite character, they exchanged several words and one of the characters slapped the other and it ended there.
what went well was that we filmed the person coming throught he door, we also got a good shot of the 180 degree rule when the characters were standing talking to eachother and the slap shot.
what didnt go so well was some shots took ages to film and went wrong which caused us to do alot of editing, we took quite long on many of the facial expressing shots and the acting was quite poor which made us take really long.
When doing this peliminary task i personaly was trained to use a camera and learn't how to do most of the camera shots such as the 180 degree rule especially and how not to break this rule, as a whole we learn't how to use a camera better than how we knew it and the things you can do with the camera.
We learn't how to edit our peliminary in final cut express the editing programme which made it easier for us because we got to choose bits we wanted in the scene, so if the scene was like 5mins long we got to cut and selcet the part we wanted which could be like 3secounds which was interesting we just use the In and out button to select what bit we wanted, this was a good advantage for us because we learn't things that i didnt know before and how editing can really change a film and make it better than it is.

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