Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Filming our movie/Genre

Filming our movie has been very tough.We had a lot of times where we couldn't film properly because of unreliable people, but after a while we tried to do our best, but then it became more tiring and fustrating when the main charcters wouldn't turn so being reliable was something that was lacking in our group. We then ound out that our tape that we have been filming everything on got lost, this really made me and my team members angry, dimotivated and a sense of not being bothered, but because we needed to pass so we had to start from scratch. When it was time to start from scratch the main character was being very unreliable and making no intrested of being around so we had to kick her out and get new people. I asked a few of my friends if they could replace the main charcters and they said yes, doing this made us having to kind of change the way the story went, for example we had to make the boy heard but not seen.
The genre of our a film is drama/romance, ur group chose this because we thought itwould be a easier issue to deal with, and the storyline's we kept comming up with were mostly this genre.

But even though we went through that stress filming from start with everything being new made things better and gave us a clearer mind and made us enjoy filming even more, as before personally i felt quite depressed filming in my group because of how people will behave and the impression they would give.
we are now filming our last scene then will begin editing. we are being inspired by Larry McConey in some of our scene's, when he does the straight smooth pans with out having to have cuts.

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