A recky is a scene that you shoot somewhere else not where its actually ment to be, this saves money because you can use any venue that you may not need to pay for and do the scene plenty of times, so when you do the actually scene its perfect. In my group we did the scene where the girl 'porcia' tells her boyfriend 'Thomas' that she is pregnant over the phone, we did it in like a corridor white based background, it looked like a hospital. when we filmed the real scene we filned it in the toilet which was ment to represent the 'clinic toilet'. it didnt save us any money because we didnt need to pay for anything, butwe benifited from it as we knew how the real idea would turn out.

We first saw what a recky was when we watched '
Reservoir Dogs' directored and written by
Quentin Tarantino. Tarantino is known to be a very famous director and this film showed a recky. they filmed the recky in a deasent toilet and tarantino was even in the scene, but when they shot the actual scene there were a few changes like Tarantino weren't in the scene and the toilet was much more different.
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